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So, what's our fair Britney been up to since we last saw her? Eh, not much, if you don't count shaving her head, derailing her career, bouncing back on the comeback trail and getting her life back in order.
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The nonstop sideshow is indicative of Spears, who has captivated pop culture since she first strutted across our TV screens 10 years ago in a Catholic school girl outfit in the "... Baby One More Time" video.
Britney Spears nice

The ensuing decade has been just a never-ending flurry of ups, downs, controversies, scandals and general craziness. There may have even been some music in there, too.
Britney Spears hot

Taking it all in, we've chronicled the career of Britney Spears from A-Z, from her marriage to Jason Alexander to her 2003 album "In the Zone."
Britney Spears