Seth Rogen smile

I didn't ever think I would be the victim of skinny jokes but it's nice. I wanna be the victim of every type of comedy.
Seth Rogen photo

It's lovely. I think we should all make fun of everyone's physical attributes in every way.
Seth Rogen hair style

Rogen, 27, has been working on 'Funny People' with Adam Sandler and claims the movie constantly reminds him why he loves, and hates, comedy.
Seth Rogen

There was a lot of freedom to go off-script in this film. We've all gotten a lot better at it. We riff, but it's a lot of conversations between the takes.
Seth Rogen wallpaper

"We'll then revisit those discussions and write it all down. There was probably less aimless improvising than we would normally do. That was done beforehand.
"It reminded me of why I wanted to be a comedian and why I stopped doing stand-up comedy. Both of those thing