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It's the pop star's brand-new video for her single "She Wolf," naturally, which premieres Thursday (July 30) at 8 p.m. and as she told us recently, "I got new moves!"
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New ones? The 32-year-old has been making a living by popping off a dizzying array of shaking, shimmying and belly-dancing acrobatics onstage and in videos since she was a teenager in Colombia. No one would complain if she busted out some old faves. After all, those old moves are some pretty fine ones. But a new album — her She Wolf comes out in October — brings with it the impulse to find fresh ways to dance.
Shakira crazy

The music sort of dictates them to me,Every song has the moves within it. Just like the rock has the shape of the sculpture within the rock. You just have to go find it."
Shakira hot

So how does Shakira find it? Sometimes she creates a one-woman movie studio. "I set up a camera on a tripod, and I put the music on, and I just start dancing and moving and whatever comes out, that's what I try to recapture again," she said. "For my videos and so on."
Shakira hot and sexy

For "She Wolf," Shakira incorporates elements of ballet, popping and locking, tribal dance and moves that are reminiscent of those in the '80s drama "Flashdance." One thing is clear: Shakira is crazy flexible, and the metaphor of the she-wolf — "the woman at daytime and the animal at night," she explained — has given the singer an opportunity to express herself in a way she never has before.