The old operative mills of the CIA Bryan is a divorced father trying to rebuild a relationship with his/her daughter of adolescence after years of the clandestine absences. Its talents of dad can be initial but not its competence more mortal regulated. Thus feel sorry for the Albanian imbeciles who encourage them when they remove 17 years Kim, a virgin, for the underground trade of sex.

Directed by Pierre Morel, this account with suspense does not have any the hyperactive charms of it to encourage B13 zone to him. In the place, thanks to the work of the authors Luc Besson and, of Kamen of mark taken is an account with suspense of exploitation. It seizes worst that the world must offer to support its rates/rhythms and conclusions completely by heart of refunding.

Like mills, Liam Neeson cuts a fine given figure in a black leather jacket, but him 's definitely melancholic person. And one simply obtains it with the direction isn 't because his/her daughter was seized.

The devices of allowance include audio comments by the director, the author and the scenario writers, clandestine exclusive the the manufacture of featurette and comparisons side by side packed by action.