The common report/ratio - published in London - came during two days after Madonna 'representative of S the United States provided the details of Associated Press of the supposed business. Liz Rosenberg said that Madonna, 50, were placed to cash give the value of money and property between $76 million and $92 million, calling it one of largest [disbursements of divorce] never. But maintaining the couple calls this information fallacious and vague one.
Liz Rosenberg, Madonna 'spokesperson of S in New York, said Monday when the singer had given the British realizer Ritchie between 50 and 60 million books ($76-92 million) as an element of their divorce.
Associated Press (AP) and Reuters brought back the figures, but maintaining the couples outdistance exactitude of the details.
We tried to maintain a silence finished concerning the details of our divorce for the last months while accepting the obvious interest of media, said a common report/ratio of the pairs.
Has report/ratio fallacious and vague, specifically compared to the implied amounts of money, was incorrectly provided to AP that this, of week he added.
Financial D�tails of the payment will remain private, except saying that both are happy for us with our agreement. Our primary education concern, like all the Co-parents, is the care and the wellbeing of our children. Rosenberg stated Monday that arrangements of guard for the couples of the 'children of S had not been completed.
The queen of the noise and the director of bit attached the node in a ceremony snob in Scotland in December 2000, but the union was �miett�e earlier this year among rumours of a fling between the bruiser Alex Rodriguez of Madonna and Yankees. She classified later for the divorce in October, and a British court granted a preliminary decree of divorce last month. A final decree is envisaged in January.