Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Joe Jonas Needs New Pants!
Thanks oceanUP!
Selena On Nick "I’m not confirming, but I’m not denying."!
Friday, September 26, 2008
New HSM 2 Deleted Scenes From Deluxe Dance Edition DVD!
"The Pool Has Never Looked Better"
"No Diving"
"The Zac Efron Factor"
Credit- DChannelFreak101 & innocentuntil
Suite Life on Deck -"Parrot Island"!
You can watch The Suite Life on Deck- "Parrot Island"
[tomorrows all new episode!]
Pre Air Premiere HERE until Midnight Tonight!
Photo Credit-
Demi On Everything From Her Album to Her Show!
Fresno Bee-
It's been a busy week for Disney star-in-the-making Demi Lovato.
Last Friday she filmed the first episode of her to-air-in-2009 Disney series "Welcome to Holliwood."
Saturday, she was a on plane headed to New York, where she'd do a cover shoot for Seventeen magazine.
Then on Tuesday, her Disney debut album "Don't Forget" was released.
If you're thinking all this sounds familiar, it's because we've heard stories like this before. Lovato is from the same pipeline of Disney singer/actors as Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus. In fact, she starred with the Jonas boys in "Camp Rock" and recently toured with them.
We talked to Lovato, in the middle of her big week, about her CD, TV show, her relationship with the Jonas Brothers and more.
Q: How excited are you about your album coming out this week?
A: It's awesome. It's crazy. I can't believe I'm actually coming out with an album. I'm very nervous, but I'm excited at the same time.
Q: What artists have influenced what you do as a musician?
A: I think Kelly Clarkson. Also Paramore. They have a great sound. The Jonas Brothers co-wrote and produced six of the songs and they had a lot of input, so they influenced the album.
Q. You recently turned 16. What was the party like?
A. I didn't really throw a party. I went to Applebee's with my band.
Q. Really?
A. Yeah, I love Applebee's. On the day of my birthday, I had a concert so 18,000-20,000 were singing happy birthday to me. It was awesome.
Q. Being in that pipeline of Disney, it's gotta be like playing for the Yankees or something? With that history of success, is there pressure?
A. I'm not really worried about that. Right now I'm doing what I love to do. It just so happens to be Disney and they happen to be one of the coolest companies ever. It's like a family over there. They don't really put pressure on us.
Q. When you're being tabbed as the next Miley Cyrus or the next Jonas Brothers, how does that effect you?
A. I'm not allowed to read some of the gossip sites because they really take a toll on you. So I don't see a lot of that. I like to focus on what I'm doing. I'm just having a good time right now.
Q. What have you learned about the industry from spending time with Jonas Brothers while touring, doing "Camp Rock" and working on your album?
A. They're very down-to-earth guys. They taught me to stay anonymous in some places I go. They've just helped a lot on tour.
Q. You've started on "Welcome to Holliwood," right?
A. Yes, we just finished the first episode last night.
Q. What's it like so far starring in your own series?
A. It's very crazy. I was nervous in the beginning. It's hard to carry a comedy show. If you're not funny, the show is not going to be funny. I've never had a lot of confidence in comedy, but I've really let loose and totally had fun with it. Last night, I started off really nervous and in the first take I messed up all the words. Overall, though, it turned out very well.
Q. What's tougher, you think: Filming a TV show in a front of a live audience or the day your CD comes out?
A. Definitely the day the CD comes out. The TV show is more relaxing. You've got all day to do your thing. Half the time I'm in school, so I get to relax in school.
Thanks Demi Fans!
Selena Gomez Online Video Chat With Nick Jonas?!
Pop Tarts & Ocean UP: "Speaking of Disney dames and their love interests, a Van Nuys airport insider spotted Selena Gomez acting all giddy and excited last week while engaged in an online Windows chat with rumored squeeze Nick Jonas. We’re told that there is ‘no doubt’ that those two are together."
Photo Credit: SelenaWeb
Miley Cyrus Developed a Vocal Chord Nodule!
"September 25, 2008 (Sawf News) - Miley Cyrus has developed a vocal chord nodule, caused by continual straining of the voice. If left untreated the small bundle of tissue could lead to surgery and affect Miley's voice.
"Her concerned parents took her to the doctor, who diagnosed the beginning stages of a nodule," a source told Star Magazine.
Miley's doctor has recommended that she rest her vocal chords for three weeks.
Heeding to her doctor's the advice, Miley kept her recent performances, at Stand Up to Cancer event on September 5 and Concert for Hope fund-raisers on September 14, short.
She plans to go ahead with her concert at Connecticut's Foxwoods Resort Casino on Saturday, September 27."
Popstar! "The Suite Life on Deck World Premiere!"
"JONAS" Info & JB Journal Entry!
September 24, 2008
"Hi Everyone,
It’s been a great few weeks since we finished our summer tour. We were in London for the international release of Camp Rock and were made to feel very welcomed by all the fans overseas! We had such an awesome time but it’s also great to be back home. We filmed our Love Bug video last week- keep your eyes open for the premier soon.
It’s also been so exciting being onset for the first week of our new Disney Show, JONAS. We’ve been doing lots of fittings, table reads and rehearsals getting ready for our first week of TAPING next week. There will be lots of “surprise” guests and we are just so excited about it and hope you are too! Tune in to Dancing With the Stars tonight, we are just getting ready now to head over to perform Love Bug.
Kevin, Joe & Nick"
The Jonas Brothers will begin shooting their new Disney Channel series on September 29, Access Hollywood has exclusively learned.
The series will be called “JONAS,” a source close to the show revealed to Access.
“They play three brothers in a band. But in the show, they are the ‘Lucas’ brothers and ‘JONAS’ refers to the name of the street they live on,” the source added.
The show, starring Joe, Nick and Kevin Jonas, will be a single-camera comedy series.
The boys’ real-life parents will remain behind the scenes for the new show, with actors playing their TV mom and dad. In addition, real-life little brother Frankie (often called “The Bonus Jonas” by fans) will make recurring guest appearances as the youngest Lucas brother.
But while shooting will begin later this month, fans will have to wait until Spring 2009 for the series debut, the source said.
During a recent interview with Ryan Seacrest, oldest brother Joe said the show would have a feeling similar to HBO’s musical skein “Flight of the Conchords.”
“It’s going to be a funny show and it’s going to be a great cast,” Joe said. “I’m really excited.”
Thanks Jonas Pandemonium!
Selena Gomez "DON'T FORGET!!"
and a big thank you to all the people who already bought it! hope you like it... its incredible!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Kaylee here [site owner]..
I wanted say hi to you all and thank you so much for visiting! But mainly apologize for the media problem that has been going on. I just found out that my co webbie Lauren has been stealing media instead of capping it her self, because of this i had tell Lauren to leave the site. I would really like to apologize to those who were affected by this! The media section is going to change a bit to credit those who's media is on the site! If you were affected by this, please email me at! Again i'm SO sorry! The only purpose for this site was to be a site with everything into one, gossip, media, everything. But definelty not this way! Also, i will be looking for a new co webbie to help me out with media and the site,
if you can help, please email me =]
thank you soo much & i'm super sorry!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Demi Thanks Her Family, & The JB!
Demi Lovato "Don’t Forget" Thank You note: Special thanks First of all, I would like to thank the coolest father ever… God. I’d be nothing and nowhere without him. He’s done incredible things for my family and I, and besides, he’s just awesome.
Second, my family: My Mom, my Stepfather Eddie.. who isn’t a Stepfather to me, but an amazing Dad. My older sister Dallas, my baby sister Madison, and my Aunt Lisa. I love you guys so much. Thank you for your unconditional love and support. Also, thank you to my family in TX, AR,NM. I love you all.
My two best friends: Selena Gomez and Marissa Callahan, you two have been the most loyal friends I’ve ever had, I love you both so much and you are more like sisters to me. I love you both.
A HUGE thank you to the Jonas Brothers. This has been an amazing experience… I have you guys to thank for so much, not just the album but letting me join you guys on the road and your unconditional love and support. I love you guys, you are super talented and awesome friends.
Selena & Nick Dinner Date!
Selena Gomez and Nick Jonas, were spotted on a Sunday night dining at Osteria La Buca, a fancy Italian eatery right near Paramount Studios. Guess when you're a zillionaire by your sweet 16, you can forego T.G.I. Friday's or the mall's food court in favor of ritz-o H'wood restaurants to woo your date.
The dimpled duo—without chaperone—sat in the secluded upstairs section that only holds about four tables, and here's what went down:
Nicky and his Selena sweetie musta been celebrating the release of Sel's straight-to-DVD flick Another Cinderella Story, which had a screening that day in Hell-Ay. Don't worry, concerned parents and Jonas-obsessed tots out there, neither pop tart indulged in any wine tasting, and there weren't any underage PDAs going on (at least not during dinner), damn, damn, damn.
Why aren't these hons getting their debauch on, already? Why leave all that teen tartiness to Miley? So boring!
Nope, guess S 'n' Ns purity rings are still intact. Just a few days later, Sel-babe was seen at the Van Nuys airport, spending her annoying airport waiting time webcam chatting on her laptop with her cutie. These two have gotta be the only two people in the world who don't use a webcam for naughty nighttime fun.
Are these two teens gonna admit that they're together already, or are they shadowing Lindsay and Sam in the coy couples game? Not a great idea to use LiLo as a role model in any sense.
Demi's Show "Sonny With a Chance" Premiere's February or March 2009!
Demi Lovato’s upcoming Disney Channel TV Show is called "Sonny With A Chance", reports Spanish magazine Para Todos.
“It’s about a girl named Sonny having a chance to make it in [show] business,” the 16-year-old Camp Rock star tells the mag. “We filmed the first episode and we will continue to film the series through the next few months.”
Sonny With a Chance is set to air in February or March 2009.
Demi’s debut album, Don’t Forget, is due out in stores TOMORROW, September 23rd. She tells Para Todos that she doesn’t have any big plans to celebrate: “I’m actually going to be working, so I haven’t really planned a party, but I might just have a bunch of people over and have pizza or something.”
And who does she look up to for fashion inspiration? Lindsay Lohan. “I think her style is awesome,” Demi shared. “She’s one of those very fashionable people, so who wouldn’t love her style. I also like Keira Knightley’s style, she has great style.”
UPDATE: There’s a slight chance the show is called Sunny With A Chance but I’m told during the interview, Demi was asked to spelled it out and she said: “S-O-N-N-Y”!Thanks JustJared!
Miley Cyrus on Nick Jonas & Nelena!
Exclusive leaked interview with Miley Cyrus to be featured in the November issue of Nylon Magazine
Teen pop sensation, Miley Cyrus, opens up to Nylon about that Nick Jonas interview, rumored Selena feud, those infamous pictures and her future.
NYLON: Miley, in a recent and very publicized interview you openly discussed your relationship with Nick Jonas, after denying there even was a relationship several times previously. What changed?
MILEY: I think it was just a part of that closure every girl needs at the end of a relationship. I gave the interview way back in March, when I was still hurting. I wanted to get the message out and say like, “ Hey, I love you, but I’m still strong and I’m happier now,” when I really wasn’t.
NYLON: So how are you now?
MILEY: I’m still on that journey of recovering and finding myself, and the road has been both a blessing and a curse; but I’m getting there.
NYLON: What felt like a curse to you?
MILEY: I guess just like the dark side of fame everyone’s so “hush hush” about, like being exploited by the media, and having your every move judged.
NYLON: How have you felt exploited by the media?
MILEY: When personal stuff is put out there for constant judgment, it seems like people don’t want to focus on my music or acting. Instead, they’d rather know who I’m dating or what I’m wearing, or how I live my personal life, and its super hard. I expected all that, of course, but not in the massive amount that it has been in.
NYLON: When you say that “personal stuff is put out there for constant judgment”, are you referring to the pictures that have been surfacing online?
MILEY: Partially, but all of that is behind me. The majority of those pictures were taken last year, so the fact that they’re coming up now is pretty bizarre. [The pictures] were taken in a completely different stage of my life, and my goals have been changed since then. I’ve apologized to my fans, as well as myself. I definitely came out of the whole thing a lot wiser.
NYLON: What about the Vanity Fair picture?
MILEY: I personally liked the original idea, that it would be an artistic and classy photo. However, the edited image was a lot different than I expected; but I can’t change that.
NYLON: So, lets switch gears. Post-breakup, how did Mandy help you get through it?
MILEY: Words cannot describe Mandy through that time in my life. She was amazing! That’s how we became so close. I’d bring it up, and she would roll her eyes and change the subject. She’s the one who helped me move on.
NYLON: Are you and Nick still friends?
MILEY: Our relationship has definitely been damaged, because he wanted everything super private. When I opened up about it, he felt out of his comfort zone and [our friendship] became awkward. For now, we’re okay, but definitely just that.
NYLON: So is there any truth to the Miley/Selena feud?
MILEY: I think it’s tension more than anything, and the media loves it so they add fuel to the fire by fabricating things. Like when the media says I’m being replaced by [Selena and Demi] it has a tendency to make things awkward. The thing is, all of us are so busy, so we don’t really have time to connect and form a friendship. We all do our own thing.
NYLON: What do you have to say to all of the people rooting for a Selena/Nick romance?
MILEY: Oh, gosh! I don’t know, its not really my place to say anything. I do know they’re great friends and anything can happen!
NYLON: And you would be okay with a romance between the two of them?
MILEY: That’s their thing. My opinion doesn’t really matter.
NYLON: So where do you see yourself in ten years?
MILEY: Hopefully, I’ll be blessed by doing what I love, which is making people happy. As long as people are still smiling when they see me perform, then I hope I’m still out there, giving my all for the people who gave their all for me.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008

Take a look at Ririfan's awesome sites!
Ririfan Designs
All Miley
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Cobie Smulders picture gallery
Cobie Smulders was born to a Dutch father and a British mother on 3rd of april 1982.
She was very eager to become an actress and her first role was as a guest in the Showtime sci-fi series Jeremiah. But Her first permanent series role was in the short-lived ABC series Veritas: The Quest.
Name: Cobie Smulders
Birth Date: 03-04-1982
Birth Place: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Saturday, September 20, 2008
"Sunny With A Chance" Demi's New Show!
Miley Was INSPIRED By Nick!
Hannah Montana starlet Miley Cyrus emotionally revealed to M magazine that Nick Jonas and his struggle with diabetes has been a real inspiration for her and her own struggles with her health.
Miley spoke, ‘I was on tour with the Jonas Brothers last year and I kept getting really sick.
One night Nick stopped by my room and I wasn’t feeling great. He suggested that I test my blood sugar like he does, since he’s diabetic. I did, and my blood sugar was really low, it was bad! After that, I went to my doctor to get really checked out. I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia, which means my blood sugar was always really low and I couldn’t get it back up.'
Together, Nick helped Miley change her lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits. ‘I became much more aware of the food I ate, because what I was eating before was pretty bad for me. When I’m on tour it can get bad. I’m constantly exercising so much on stage that I get really thin! Sometimes I feel overwhelmed, it can be too much.
My body just burns through the food I put in it so fast. When that happens, I make an effort to only eat healthy meals and chill out with the exercise. Watching Nick manage his diabetes over the years has been a real inspiration to me. It makes me feel like, ‘If Nick Jonas can do it, I can, too!’ I have to keep going and put on a brave face.’